During the press junket for “Baggage Claim,” Cocoa Fab’s Cherise Nicole talked to Boris and Derek Luke to ask them what they could and couldn’t tolerate when it comes to women, and when it came to the topic of weight gain, Boris said that was a no go.
“Ok part of the deal is, you got to keep it sexy. Got to keep it Hot. Because it’s easygetting married, but it’s not as easy to stay married. And part of that is, like, I make my wife, my girlfriend. She’s my girlfriend. So, we got to keep it sexy. If we keep it sexy, we keep it right, everything else falls into place.
“What if I gained 200 pounds? And then she’ll look at me like, really? And I couldn’t even blame her if she started looking around. Because I took her off the market, so I have to deliver what the market could possibly deliver for her. So, I gotta take that place. Right? So, I gotta fulfill those things that the market could’ve given her. I’m the market now, so I got to keep it Hot and she has to do the same for me.”
While Boris was on a role with his marriage market talk Derek Luke was quick to jump in with a more tempered response to weight gain in a relationship, saying:
“That’s part of my character. Part of my character is about commitment. You know what I’m saying? So, even if you doing the humpty dumpty, it’s commitment, cause you know what? The dude could go humpty dumpty! He could go from six pack to one pack, you know what I’m saying? Because in marriage, your body changes.
“I think [Boris] is right, you should put in effort to keep it sexy. But I think if you have missed the effort to keep it sexy, I think that there should be something stronger than your effort to keep it sexy. It should be commitment. That’s why marriages are failing in America and across the world, because there’s no commitment. Because commitment is the key to success. You can go up and down. It’s about where you land. It’s about your commitment. Cause sickness, weight, that’s in your confessions when you get married.”